
Uncategorized / 08.06.2022

  Alcohol tags were launched as part of the government's plans to reduce alcohol-fuelled crime. Following a successful rollout in Wales, the tags were introduced in England in March 2021.   Offenders who commit crimes influenced or fuelled by alcohol can be ordered to wear the so-called sobriety...

Uncategorized / 24.02.2022

  Supported by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Environment Agency is an executive non-departmental public body. The Agency was established in 1996 "to protect and improve the environment" their responsibilities are:   regulating major industry and waste; treatment of contaminated land; water quality...

Uncategorized / 15.10.2021

  In 2016 Natasha Ednan-Laperouse bought a baguette from Pret a Manger; unbeknownst to Natasha, the bread contained sesame seeds. That ingredient was not listed on the packaging, and Natasha suffered a fatal allergic reaction.   At the time, fresh food that was made and packaged on the...

Uncategorized / 13.09.2021

  Recreational watercraft and safety   The government has announced a new consultation to look into safety laws relating to recreational and personal watercraft. The proposal is to bring such watercraft within the scope of the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. This would mean that recreational...

Uncategorized / 13.08.2021

  Benjamin Monk, a police officer, has been sentenced for the manslaughter of Dalian Atkinson, who died in 2016.   Dalian Atkinson was an ex-footballer who had played for several clubs, including Manchester City and Aston Villa, before retiring from the game in 2001. In August 2016, Mr...