Author: Karen Todner

Uncategorized / 25.02.2020

  Jury Trial - Is 14 too many?   If you ask most people how many people are selected to sit on a jury hearing a criminal case, the answer from most if not all will be 12.   It can, therefore, come as something of a surprise to people...

Uncategorized / 04.02.2020

  End of automatic release for some persons convicted of terrorist offences   On Sunday 1st February 2020 Sudesh Amman wore a fake suicide vest and stabbed two people in Streatham. Amman had only recently been released from a prison sentence imposed for spreading extremist material; he had...

Uncategorized / 03.02.2020

  Money Laundering Update The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019 came in to force on 10 January 2020, with the effect of implementing Fifth Money Laundering Directive into UK law. Money laundering is said to be a key enabler of serious and organised crime, which...

Uncategorized / 22.01.2020

  Driving disqualifications   The Sentencing Council is responsible for issuing guidelines on sentencing for the courts to follow. Guidelines must be followed unless it is in the interests of justice not to do so. New guidelines are now being proposed in respect of disqualifications from driving.   What is...

Uncategorized / 23.12.2019

  Criminal Law in 2020 - What Can We Expect In legislative terms 2019 was a pretty quiet year with parliament being so heavily occupied with Brexit, there was little time for anything else. 2020 promises to be somewhat different, the government has a substantial parliamentary majority, and...

Uncategorized / 18.12.2019

Passport Offences Immigration is a very political issue at the present time, and the hurdles facing those wishing to settle in the UK are getting harder to surmount, tempting some people to buy false passports to try and secure entry and in some cases gainful employment. Section...

Uncategorized / 17.12.2019

The Morning After the Night Before   When people think about drink/drug driving, it is often based on a narrative that involves a man, leaving a pub late at night, driving erratically and being stopped by the police. This scenario is sometimes the backdrop to an arrest...

Uncategorized / 17.12.2019

  Pre-sentence Reports In some cases, a court must order a pre-sentence report (s 156 Criminal Justice Act 2003), and a report will be appropriate in many instances when it is not a legal requirement. Sometimes a court may not be receptive to the idea of ordering...

Uncategorized / 17.12.2019

Investigating and Prosecuting Rape Cases   Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate has published a new report in relation to the investigation and prosecution of rape cases. The significant findings are:   Since 2016, the number of cases prosecuted by the CPS has fallen by 52%. This is...